A quirky political satire written and directed by acclaimed Danish actor Ulrich Thomsen, and produced under his company Pro Tempore Film, Doubloon assisted with script development, worked closely with producers during prep, and oversaw the physical production and tax incentive process on location in New Mexico. Screened at several prominent festivals and is being released by Samuel Goldwyn Films. Nominated for the Grand Jury Prize at the Tallinn Black Nights Festival.
A psychological horror feature shot entirely on location in Cambodia. Produced under the Doubloon banner, Steve Bakken headed production, oversaw all post-production, and delivered to Vertical Entertainment for domestic distribution and Raven Banner for foreign sales. Premiered at the renowned Raindance Film Festival in 2018.
A gritty, drama about a drug dealer that feels trapped in an ugly and dangerous world until he falls in love with Lilly, a heroin addict as damaged as him. Written, directed and produced by Ulrich Thomsen and PT Film, it premiered in competition at the 2016 Shanghai International Film Festival. Doubloon served as line producer/physical production services for hire.
A comedy about a man who goes on an existential quest to rediscover his manhood when faced with a possible vasectomy. Produced by Fluid Film, Doubloon was associate producer and acted as line producer. Premiered at the 2017 Cinequest Film Festival.
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